Thursday 26 September 2024

A Little Story From Yesterday Picture

Assalamualaikum Dan Salam Sejahtera 1Malaysia.

Nothing much to share and to say about today. Only a few picture i like to share here in this entry for a memory and to be remember in future. And this memory i share here wil be number 45 in my list. 

The story of today start from KLIA
And we jumped into Boeing 777-300
They served us with lovely lunch in flight
After almost 7 hours flight. The pilot make an announcement preparing for landing.
Alhamdulillah safely arrived at our transit destination before we catch the connecting flight.
At this time we need to run fast as we have less then 40 minit to get to the connecting flight. And somehow we manage and catch the flight. We was the last passenger on board. 
This was the third and last menu in the flight for today and we almost reach our destination.
Finally after in total more then 13 hours journey we arrived at our final destination.

Tiba-tiba tulis english pulak dah kenapa kan hahaha.. Saja la mencuba menulis english nak belajar. Kalau salah boleh betulkan di ruang comment di bawah :D

Alhamdulillah syukur safely arrived petang semalam waktu sini atau lebih kurang pukul 11.30 malam waktu Malaysia. Cuaca tak berapa sejuk walau musim luruh ketika ini.

Hurmm ke mana pulak kali ini? Tak tahu nak cerita macam mana hihii. But today story is another story after the journey at Kepulauan Lautan Hindi early this month.

By the way 5 orang pertama yang boleh teka dengan betul di ruang comment - aku naik airlines apa, transit di mana dan mana destinasi aku ini. Insyallah aku akan bagi hadiah balik nanti. Semua clue ada dalam gambar-gambar di atas.


  1. Know² fly again ye, terbaik 👍
    My guess;
    Travel by Emirates Airlines, transit dekat Dubai & you're going to New York :)
    Enjoy your trip!

  2. Wahhh happy holidayyyy🍁🍁🍁

  3. naik flight emirates..transit dubai & destinastion ke London

  4. Macam naik flight emirates je transit kat dubai dan sampai heatrow airport london

  5. london uk....... best ni time autumn


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